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Adult Dependant
Relatives (eg parents)
This Visa is not easy to obtain, as, when someone comes to the UK, the Government wants to admit their spouse and minor children, not all parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts.
But, if you have UK nationality, Indefinite Leave to Remain, Settled status, Permanent Residence, and want to bring a dependant family member. Please get in touch with us.
Adult Dependant Relative Visa
Can be:
Son or Daughter over 18
Brother or Sister
The general presumption is that adult relatives should remain in their Home countries. If you are settled in the UK and want a relative to be considered for an Adult Dependant Relative visa, you should prove that:
1. They Are your Parent, Grandparent, Brother, Sister, Son or Daughter.
2. Because of illness, disability or old age, they need long-term care to do everyday personal and household tasks.
3. The care that they need is not available or affordable in their home country. Typically this involves showing that there are no other close relatives there who could help, and that it is not practical to arrange the care that they need using paid carers, or that medical care is needed which is not available within the health system of their home country.
4. You will be able to accommodate, support and care for them, without claiming public funds, for at least 5 years.
As the UK is one of the most expensive countries in the world, it is often difficult to show why providing care in the UK is more viable than paying for carers to provide the assistance needed in their home country.
We appreciate that the desire to have a loved relative close by is often as much about their need for human contact, and to be with their family members, as it is about physical or medical care. That is only natural and human. But the rules for Adult Dependant Relative visas are not based on your emotions, so the application will need to be supported by comprehensive details about the care (or lack thereof) available in their home country. It is possible to apply for a visa based on Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, which protects the right to a family life. Such applications can seem attractive as they use emotional language that is often in tune with how the applicant and their family members are feeling. However, an Adult Dependant Relative visa is usually a better course of action as it is inside the immigration rules. We can, of course, mention in passing the Article 8 grounds that exist.
These applications almost always need to be made from overseas (Covid Assurance applications can cause an exception allowing an in-country application). If successful, your relative will get a visa allowing an unlimited stay (there is no need to make extension or Settlement applications).
If you want a visa for your Parent, Grandparent or any other Adult Dependant Relative, please get in touch.
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